Thursday, October 23, 2014

OAuth on Tableau Server 8.2


Running Tableau behind a NAT

Tableau Server is behind a proxy server

No DNS from public internet

Wanting to extract Google Analytics data automatically via Tableau Server


The OAuth setup will not work without the proxy settings configured for the Run As account. Here’s what the error looked like after clicking “Accept” on the IE popup confirming I wanted to allow Tableau Server to connect to my Google Account via OAuth (after a 20 second pause):

Tableau Server encountered an internal error.


Tableau Server version: Version 8.2.3

(8200.14.0925.1717) 64-bit

Here are the steps I took to set up Tableau Server OAuth. They clarify a few things not super-explicitly mentioned here:

1. Set up Google OAuth

– create new project here:

– set up a new Client ID under “Credentials

– REDIRECT URI needs to be set to the hostname/domain name you use in your browser to connect to Tableau Server when you set up your Google Analytics key. Note, this cannot be an IP address. “localhost” works if you want to set up OAuth while logged in to the Tableau Server. Really, this whole thing is complicated by the fact that there is no direct, consistent public IP/domain name for accessing Tableau.

– JAVASCRIPT ORIGINS – just blank it out

2. Enable the “Analytics API” in the APIs page of your project

2. log in to Tableau Server (Web UI) with the hostname/domain name you put in the above REDIRECT URI field.

3. The Tableau Server admin needs to go to Admin > Maintenance and check the boxes in the Settings section to allow users to save their own OAuth tokens

3. On the top-right click on your name > User Preferences > click on “Add” next to Google Analytics


1. IP addresses result in Google saying you need to supply a device_id and something else – doesn’t work

3. You could make up a domain name and add it to your hosts file (and all your end users’ hosts files…. yikes), and telling IE to not use a proxy server for addresses beginning with that made-up domain name

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