Friday, October 24, 2014

Cloning a CentOS 6.5 VM and getting networking to work

Clone a working CentOS 6.5 machine and start it up:

update the hostname here:

nano /etc/sysconfig/network

Reset the NICs:

rm -rf /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

reset the UUID and MAC address:

nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

– remove the stuff after “HWADDR=” just on that line though

– remove the stuff after “UUID=” just on that line)

– make sure you see ONBOOT=yes


After this, you may not need to mess with the MAC address, as mentioned below, but I figured I’d include how I’ve found to do it.

After reboot, do one of the below to set the MAC address:

1. Go to that above 70-persistent-net.rules file (it gets recreated), get the MAC address and then paste it into “HWADDR=” line


2. run system-config-network-tui and confirm the network settings are as desired, then save it. This will put in the MAC address

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