Monday, January 12, 2015

Puppet Forge Module Installation – make sure they’re in the right directory

I had been working on setting up the seteam-splunk module on Puppet 3.7 (for managing Splunk installations). Besides the fact that the module doesn’t purge changes to the inputs.conf files, I hit the following error when I went to install it in our production systems:

Could not autoload puppet/provider/splunkforwarder_input/ini_setting: undefined method `provider’ for nil:NilClass

In my case, this was due to the fact that when I installed the module, by default it was installed into different folders. I had to specify the target directory for each of the 3 modules involved:

puppet module install seteam-splunk –target-dir /opt/puppet/modules/

You may have to even uninstall the 2 dependency modules and reinstall them, explicitly setting the target directory (the –force flag is because it’s a dependency of another module:

puppet module uninstall puppetlabs-inifile –force

puppet module install puppetlabs-inifile –target-dir /opt/puppet/modules/

puppet mmodule uninstall nanliu-staging –force

puppet module install nanliu-staing –target-dir: /opt/puppet/modules/

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