Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bash vulnerability in linux with Bash

Test with the following (paste into a shell prompt):

env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable’ bash -c “echo this is a test”

If you’re vulnerable, you’ll see this:

$ env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable’ bash -c “echo this is a test”


this is a test

To fix it:

In CentOS:

yum update bash

In Ubuntu:

apt-get install bash

When you run the text code again, you should see this:

$ env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable’ bash -c “echo this is a test”

bash: warning: x: ignoring function definition attempt

bash: error importing function definition for `x’

this is a test

If you’re using Salt Stack, you could run this to update all your minions’ bash installs:

salt ‘*’ pkg.install bash

There are some more sophisticated ways to do it, especially for larger environments, but I figured I’d mention it.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Frigidaire phsc239dsb5 “E F” error

There was an “E” in the freezer temperature display and an “F” in the refrigerator temperature display inside the refrigerator side.

The problem was that the freezer side fan could not spin due to ice build up. When I pulled out the freezer shelves, I saw water had been flowing down the back wall and was frozen. When I pulled off the panels, sure enough, the fan did not spin and there was a ton of ice all around the fan housing. I removed the ice and plugged the unit back into the wall; everything is happy now.

We have had some really hot weather lately, and there was a power outage for a while. Combine that with kids standing with the freezer door open forever looking for popsicles…. That may have been enough to melt some ice that was sitting in the ice dispenser storage tray.

I had seen a number of people posting about this issue who replaced the mainboard (for nearly $150 it seems). Others replaced the freezer fan. I suspect I’m not the only one that’s had an ice buildup problem. So, in some of those cases, I bet they didn’t actually have to replace anything – they just needed to unplug the freezer and let the ice melt a bit.

The “E F” code means either the freezer fan or the refrigerator fan has some sort of problem.

Here are some pics for your perusal fun:


WP_20140918_002 This side-by-side refrigerator started showing this out of the blue, and when it did, it stopped cooling and the Gorgonzola cheese started to make itself known.

The answer in this thread pointed me to the fan in the freezer:

The video on this page will give you an idea of what it takes to get at the fan in the freezer:

Here are a number of links to threads of varying usefulness:!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Remote Desktop Connections to Windows machines from OSX using the MS Office RDC client

In short, the RDC client that installs as part of MS Office (version 2.1.1 in my case) doesn’t work. Instead, use use this free app MS put in the iTunes app store:

I didn’t know there was an app for OSX in the Apple AppStore. I had always used what came with MS Office. Well, the MS Office one didn’t want to work on a Windows Server 2012 machine.

It’s one of those somewhat long-standing problems with the MS Office RDC client, but I had always [sort of] gotten it to work. Here’s a thread that encapsulates what I’ve experienced (some of the proposed solutions have worked for me at one point or another, but nothing worked just now).

Friday, September 12, 2014

IPB Forums – slow sessions table on high-load forum

We were seeing some very very slow forum page loads about 2 weeks after upgrading to a new version of IPB – approaching 10-15 seconds in some cases. A server restart seemed to help initially. However, the slowdown showed up again shortly after.

I noticed the Processes were consistently showing a number of queries waiting for a table level lock. After refreshing for a while I saw cases where the queries were waiting for 7 seconds. They were waiting for “delete” queries on the sessions table. The sessions table had nearly 100,000 rows, as a note.

Looking at the delete query in a bit more detail, it was of this sort: “delete from sessions where (ip_address=x.x.x.x or running_time<142255332)

I noticed there was no index on ip_address, so we added one. Since adding that index on sessions.ip_address, there have been no queries waiting on a table level lock, and forum page load times have gone down even more.

Moral of the story? If you’re seeing slow page loads in your IPB forums and you have a lot of traffic to your forum, add an index to sessions.ip_address. There is no scenario where that would be a bad thing, and there are many scenarios where it is a good thing.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Using Tableau and Tableau Server with SQL Server Analysis Services

The following applies this situation: SSAS is installed on a machine not connected to a Domain. Tableau Server installed on a machine not connected to a Domain. Tableau Server users are set up in the local Tableau user database (not Domain user accounts). You want all users to be able to view data pulled from the SSAS instance without having to enter additional credentials beyond their Tableau Server creds.

If you want to use Tableau Server with SSAS cubes, you need to set up Tableau Server to be running under a machine account that has permissions to access the SSAS cube (on non-domain machines this means creating matching usernames/passwords on each machine). IN ADDITION, when you publish a Tableau workbook or data source to the Tableau Server you need to be running Tableau Desktop under a machine account that has permissions to access the SSAS cube. This is the only way you will see the option to have Tableau Server use the RunAs account when it connects to the SSAS cube.

If, from Tableau Desktop, you connected to the SSAS cube by typing in credentials, you will not see the RunAs authentication option when you publish the workbook or data source to Tableau Server (meaning your users cannot use the workbook or data source).

The following help articles, while useful, didn’t seem to address the above use case (not in its entirety anyways):

Using Tableau with SQL Server Analysis Services (Date dimensions in particular)

If you point Tableau at SSAS multidimensional cubes, you will want to be able to use relative date filtering. Here’s the easiest way:

You will filter on dimension attributes whose values are of this form: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, and YYYY. The properties of the YYYY-MM look like this:

ssas properties

If you put those attributes in a hierarchy, do not hide them, as SSAS suggests (with a blue squiggly that has a tooltip that says “Avoid visible attribute hierarchies for attributes used as levels in user-defined hierarchies”). When you’re in Tableau, you need to tell Tableau to treat these 3 attributes as dates, and you cannot do that to attributes that are *only* in a hierarchy.

Once your cube has processed, go in to Tableau and connect to it. You will see this by default:

data type default

You want to change it to this:

treat as date

After that, relative date filtering seems to work fine.

This blog post mentioned something about having to change how unique values are determined by Tableau:

I didn’t have to though. This is what seems to be working, and it’s the default that Tableau decided on:

unique values by key