Thursday, April 24, 2014

Linux Observations from a bit of a Noob

So this is a bit of an embarrassing post. I still consider myself a bit of a Linux noob. Most of what I’ve done with Linux has been because I had to use it for one thing or another. I’ve never really embraced the OS as something I enjoy messing around with. I’m a Windows guys – mostly because Windows is where all the games are.

How do you “install” stuff in Linux? The overwhelming impression I’ve gotten over time is that there are no installers (yes, there’s YUM and apt-get and others). However, step-by-step tutorials on how to install things in Linux seem to overrepresent the “build it from source” mindset. Just do a search for “install nagios”. *Maybe* you’ll find the post that says, in CentOS, type “yum install nagios.*”. The typical post seems to be an 18-page arcane dissertation.

I know I could be wrong. I’m wrong about stuff more often than I am comfortable with. But with Linux I fairly constantly feel there is some orientation session that everyone else attended but I missed.

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