Thursday, February 6, 2014

Adding the EPEL repository to CentOS 6.4

Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL). It’s a bunch of good stuff. It will include things like extra monitoring programs that CentOS doesn’t include by default.

Say you want to install Munin (monitoring system). If you type “yum list munin*” you won’t see it. That’s because the default CentOS repository doesn’t include Munin. The EPEL repository does, however. Here’s how to install EPEL. EPEL will include a bunch of other packages you might find useful.

1. cd /tmp

2. wget – (See more at:

3. rpm -Uvh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

4. yum repolist (you should then see “epel” show up in the results.

Now when you type “yum list munin*” you will see results :)

From here:

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