Thursday, February 27, 2014

See a Shared Google Calendar on Windows Phone 8

Problem: you want to see shared calendar events on your Windows Phone 8 calendar. By default, when you add your google account to your phone it only syncs the “My calendars”; it won’t sync “Other calendars”, as in the case when your spouse shares his/her calendar with you.

Solution: Looking to sync multiple Google calendars to your phone? On your PC, go to Google Calendar sync select, sign in with your Google account, and then select which calendars you want to sync.

It took a little while for the changes to take effect clear through to my calendar app, and I’m not sure if I had to do anything like restart/exit-reload-app.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Fluoride affects bacterial growth

At low fluoride concentrations, bacterial growth is accelerated. At higher concentrations, bacterial growth is slowed.

This study was specifically on Escherichia coli bacteria.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Fluoride positively correlated with carotid artery atherosclerosis

The prevalence rate of carotid artery atherosclerosis in the subjects in each group was found to range from 16.13% (low fluoride concentration) to 29.69% (high fluoride concentration). That’s double the recommended amount of the stuff, so generally that means the groundwater itself has a high concentration, not so much city water.

The possible mechanism was the excess fluoride induced the decreasing level of GPx causing the systemic inflammation and endothelial activation by oxidative stress.

I’m curious to see what the range of research has been on fluoride in drinking water. This is one study, published in August, 2013.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Harden a CentOS 6.4 server

Here’s a basic step-by-step to harden a CentOS 6.4 server via the iptables firewall:

- Set up iptables to drop everything not explicitly allowed (from here:

1. iptables -F (clears all rules)

2. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –tcp-flags ALL NONE -j DROP (drop “null” packets)

3. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp ! –syn -m state –state NEW -j DROP (drop syn flood packets)

4. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –tcp-flags ALL ALL -j DROP (drop “christmas” packets)

5. iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT (accept local loopback interface)

6. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp –dport 22 -j ACCEPT (accept SSH)

7. iptables -I INPUT -m state –state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT (allow return traffic from established outgoing connections)

8. iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT (by default allow outgoing connections)

9. iptables -P INPUT DROP (by default drop incoming connections unless rules match)

10. iptables-save

11. iptables -L (list rules)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Adding the EPEL repository to CentOS 6.4

Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL). It’s a bunch of good stuff. It will include things like extra monitoring programs that CentOS doesn’t include by default.

Say you want to install Munin (monitoring system). If you type “yum list munin*” you won’t see it. That’s because the default CentOS repository doesn’t include Munin. The EPEL repository does, however. Here’s how to install EPEL. EPEL will include a bunch of other packages you might find useful.

1. cd /tmp

2. wget – (See more at:

3. rpm -Uvh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

4. yum repolist (you should then see “epel” show up in the results.

Now when you type “yum list munin*” you will see results :)

From here:

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Deploying VMs from a Centos 6.4 Template

There are 2 problems when trying to create a CentOS VM template intended as a source for deploying VMs en masse:

1. VMWare does not support customization specifications CentOS VMs.

2. The network adapters get screwed up in the deployed VM.


Before converting your base VM build into a template, do these 2 things:

1. Change the VM to a RedHat 6 VM. Yeah, just go to Guest settings and change the OS type in there.

2. Delete 2 files:

a. /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

b. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Here’s a post I found this in:

Monday, February 3, 2014

Installing VMWare tools on CentOS 6.4

It’s always good to have concise steps. Here’s one from the VMWare forums:

(worked in CentOS 6.4)

1.In Sphere Client: Guest > Install/update VMware Tools

2. On the VM console in command line, being a server I do not have a GUI installed:

3. mkdir /cdrom, or anyother mount point you like

4. mount the vitural cdrom from step 1; mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom

5. cd /tmp

6. tar -xvf /cdrom/VMwareTools (tab to auto-complete)

7. cd vmware-tools-distrib (tab to auto-complete)

8. ./; accept defaults, you might have to install pearl as well – just a bunch of hitting “enter”

9. umount /cdrom

10. In Vsphere Client: Guest > Install/upVMware Tools > OK

11. To confirm the install; in the client > VM Summary tab and look for OK next to VMWare Tools

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Does Cholic Come from Gut Bacteria?

In short, cholicy babies seem to have a distinct difference in gut bacteria populations. Probiotics seem to be quite fine for infants, so It’s definitely worth a shot.