Recently I encountered the situation where I was needing to recover some data from an old test I had been doing with Storage Spaces on Windows Server 2012. However, my machine was running Windows 8.1. I really didn’t want to go through the process of setting up a new machine somewhere, so I figured I’d see if I could somehow enable Data Deduplication on 8.1.
I had been seeing a lot of files that had a size of, say, 1.82MB but a “size on disk of 0KB. That may be a giveaway that you’re looking at a disk that’s had data deduplication turned on.
Well, it works, and here’s where to go to find out how to do it:
Basically, you download the missing cabinet files (provided on that site) and then run 2 commands (note that first one is a one-liner, not a multi-liner):
dism /online /add-package / / / / / /
dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Dedup-Core /all