Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Salt minions lose connection with salt master after restarting iptables
So you want to manage iptables firewall rules with Salt. If you write up a state file that looks like the below, it will work as expected… sorta. It seems existing connections will be dropped and subsequent commands from the Salt master will not make it to the minion, e.g. your separate SSH session will lose connectivity to the minion:
– source: salt://eocprdev/files/iptables
– user: root
– group: root
– mode: 600
– name: service iptables restart
– watch:
– file: /etc/sysconfig/iptables
if you’re logged in to the minion and do a “service iptables restart”, it seems things are fine, so the above command in the “name:” section seems like it’d be fine.
Here’s how you need to do it though. Note the “iptables-restore” method of reloading the iptables rules:
– source: salt://eocprdev/files/iptables
– user: root
– group: root
– mode: 600
– name: iptables-restore < /etc/sysconfig/iptables
– watch:
– file: /etc/sysconfig/iptables
This second way works repeatedly, and existing connections to the minion remain intact.
Here’s a mention of someone else having the problem:
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Thursday, March 6, 2014
CPU Ready Time in VMWare ESXi
Some quick ways to find out how much of or VM’s time is spent waiting for ESXi to schedule CPU time:
As a shortcut, you can use the following formulas for the default chart update intervals to get the CPU ready %:
Realtime: CPU summation value / 200
Past Day: CPU summation value / 3000
Past Week: CPU summation value / 18000
Past Month: CPU summation value / 72000
Past Year: CPU summation value / 864000
Example: A realtime CPU summation value of 1000 is divided by 200 to give a CPU ready % of 5.
CPU ready summation value
As with the longer version of the formula, reverse the formula and multiply (rather tha dividing) to calculate the CPU ready summation value:
Realtime: CPU ready % * 200
Past Day: CPU ready % * 3000
Past Week: CPU ready % * 18000
Past Month: CPU ready % * 72000
Past Year: CPU ready % * 864000
Example: If you have a CPU ready % 5, multiply it by 200 to get a Realtime CPU ready summation value of 1000.
Above taken from here:
A good blog post on the topic of Ready Time: